About Fire Exit

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Who is Fire Exit Theatre?

We are a non-profit community theatre company whose aim is to artistically explore the world through the lens of faith. Our mandate is HOPE-CHALLENGE-CHANGE. Through theatre we are challenging our artists and patrons beliefs and providing stories of hope and redemption.

We believe in partnerships. We strive to invest our lives in art that matters. We want to build a community engaged in a dialogue about “the bigger things” in life.

We are governed by a Board of Directors, to which we are accountable, to and a vision driven by the founder and Artistic Director.

We are a safe environment for artists to explore their art and faith journeys.

We are a non-equity performing company.

Our Vision

Fire Exit Theatre strives to produce excellent, innovative art that unlocks the soul of its audience and builds:

  • A vibrant, meaningful community engaged in a dialogue about faith, and
  • A satisfying creative experience for developed and developing artists.



Art, at its foundation, should provide hope. Art can and should reflect the darkness of the world, but we refuse to live in that darkness.


We seek to challenge people wherever they are on their faith journey; to re-examine their traditions, their prejudices, and their preconceived ideas.


Art should generate change and should not simply be entertainment that is consumed and forgotten.


There is power is doing something well. We strive for excellence in all of our endeavors. RADICAL HOSPITALITY - We want people to feel like they are welcome and that they belong.


We will be honest, consistent, fair and just in all of our practices; creative, financial, personal and organizational.


We will operate from a place of “open hands”; holding loosely to our resources and our expertise for the greater good of our community.

We exist to provoke dialogue on stage and off around questions of faith; what we believe, what we don't believe and why. Our desire is to engage people where ever they are on their faith journey, believing everyone is on that journey whether they know it or not.

We believe art should be thought provoking and not simply entertainment that is consumed and forgotten. Entertainment is the medium through which we deliver Hope, Challenge and Change.

We are proud to be celebrating 23 years of creating unique and transformational theatre in Calgary.